Week 1: What is a beat sheet and why is it becoming your best friend over the next 10 weeks?
Week 2: Discussion of Beat Sheet and Characters (TV)
Week 3: Set up: The first 10 pages (TV: Setting and rules)
Week 4: Adventure: the second 10 pages (TV: Episode Structure)
Week 5: Turning Point: the third 10 pages (TV: first 10 pages)
Week 6: Tests, Allies & Enemies: 10 – 20 more pages (TV: second 10 pages)
Week 7: Crisis: another 10 – 20 pages (TV: third 10 pages)
Week 8: Climax: 10 more pages (TV: fourth 10 pages)
Week 9: Resolution: 10 concluding pages (TV: fifth 10 pages)
Week 10: The End: final 10 pages & rewrite pitch